티스토리 뷰


영어공부 - 1

세댕댕이 2021. 7. 21. 17:20

SQL 관련 서적 빌리러 도서관에 간 김에 우연히 눈에띄던 영어회화 책을 같이 빌려왔는데

처음보는 회화 구문들이 많았다

이걸 진짜 쓰나? 싶어서 구글에 검색 해봤는데 겁나 많이 쓰더라;; 내가 그냥 모르는거였다

그래서 책 반납하고 나서도 찾아보기 위해서 정리해둠



advice : All words for an opinion or suggestion about what somebody should do in a particular situation (불가산)

Tip : a small piece of practical advice (가산) -> Tips (o)


feedback, information, knowledge, news 등의 부류도 불가산임


Minor illnesses - a cold, a runny nose, a headache 등.. 가벼운 질병은 가산명사

Serious disease - breast cancer, measles 등.. 중대한 질병은 불가산 명사


Surgery - medical treatment (불가산)

Operation - a surgical procedure, surgery의 하위 (가산)


07.27 --------------


어류 한 무리

a school of fish

a school of whales

a school of dolphins


조류 한 무리

a flock of birds

a flock of ducks

a flock of chickens


네발달린 동물 한 무리

a herd of sheep

a herd of cows

a herd of horses


look into : 조사하다, ~안을 들여다보다

look after : 돌보다 (=take care of)

look for : 찾다 (=search for)

peer at : 들여다보다 (peer : 또래, 동년배 / 유심히 보다, 눈여겨보다)

stare at : 빤히 쳐다보다, 응시하다

peep at : 훔쳐보다, 살짝 보다 (=peek at)


in vs within

in : (일정 시간) 후에

I'll come back in 2 hours -> 2시간 후에 돌아올게

within : (일정 시간) 안에

I'll come back within 2 hours -> 2시간 이내에 돌아올게


전치사 "on" : 뭔가 진행중에 있다는 느낌

on sale, on vacation, on the air, on fire

I'm low on cash

symphony on the piano


08.02 --------------


discuss = talk about

enter = go into

approach = move to

resemble = be simliar to


타동사랑 전치사는 같이 쓰이지 않는다

discuss about (X) enter into (X) resemble with (X) marry with (X) lack of (X, 여기서 lack은 동사)


this, that, any, last, next 등이 함께 붙을때는 전치사를 붙이지 않는다

in the morning, in the afternoon, on Friday (O) 

this morning, that afternoon, last Friday (O)


next, the next // last, the last와 같은 관사는 문맥에 따라 파악

-> the next : 구체적인 시점을 기준으로 한 그 다음


home, downtown, upstairs, downstairs 등은 전치사를 붙이지 않는다.. 부사 역할로 쓰이기 때문

go to home (X) go home (O)

go to upstairs (X) go upstairs (O)


동명사 : 동사보다 과거에 일어난 일이나 동시에 일어나는 또는 실제로 일어났거나 일어나는 중인 일

To부정사 : 동사보다 미래에 일어날 일, 추상적인 일, 가정적인 상황의 뉘앙스(머릿속에서 생각하는 일)

->> 해당 부정사/동명사를 목적어로 취하고 있는 동사와의 상대적인 시간 개념을 비교


I miss talking with my grandmother

He celebrated winning the contest.

When are you gonna finish writing your homework?

She wants to give up drinking so badly

Have you ever tried to quit smoking?

The thief admitted taking the money

He denies lying to us

I enjoy shopping at the mall.


He offered to help me carry these bags.

They decided to have a baby

I didn't mean to offend you

We agreed to sign the contract

I hope to see you (추상)

He seems to have deep pockets (가정)

He's pretending to be sick again. (추상)

We can't afford to buy a new house (추상)

Why does he always refuse to listen to her?


< remember, forget, regret 등 > 동명사 / to부정사를 모두 가질 수 있는 동사

Do you remember going to the Stadium with me? = (예전에) 갔던 것 기억하니?

I hadn't remembered buying his gift last week = (예전에) 샀던걸 기억못했어


Do you remember to go to the Stadium with me? = ~ (나중에)갈거 기억하고 있지?

Don't forget to put the kids to sleep at 9. = (나중에)9시에 재우는거 잊지마

Don't forget to lock the door = (나중에) 문잠그는거 잊지마


We regret to inform you that ~ = 유감이다 (유감스러운 이후에 알려준다..)

I regret not studying hard = (예전에) 열심히 공부안한걸 후회한다


He stopped to smoke = 담배를 피기위해 멈추다 (~하기위해 멈추다, 미래, = to부정사)

He stopped smoking = 담배 피던것을 멈추다 (~하는것을 멈추다, 진행중인, 현재, = 동명사)


전치사 뒤에는 동명사만 올 수 있다 (to부정사는 올 수 없다)

Are you looking forward to seeing your girlfriend this summer?

I'm afraid of dispointing them

I'm not good at convincing people


To부정사의 역할

1. 가주어 - 주어가 너무 길때 주어를 뒤로 빼고 가주어 It을 세워놓는다

It seems almost impossible to accomplish that dream

(= To accomplish that dream seems almost impossible)

It's not that easy to trust him

(= To trust him is not that easy)


2. 가목적어 - 목적어가 너무 길떄

I found it really boring to be home alone all day long


3. 의문사 뒤에 붙어서 명사구 구성

I don't know what to do 

Could you please tell me how to get there?


4. 형용사 역할 - 꾸밈을 받는 명사/대명사 뒤에 온다

I don't have any toy to play with.

He has a lot of books to read and movies to watch

Can I get you something to drink?

There's nothing to eat in the fridge


5. 부사 역할 (~하기 위해서)

I came to America to study english.

Practice english to improve your english skills.


to부정사의 의미상 주어!

I want to make the decision as soon as possible - 나

I want you to make the decision as soon as possible - 너

I want him to make the decision as soon as possible - 그


Do you want to go to the party? - 너

Do you want me to go to the party? - 나

Do you want her to go to the party? - 그녀


가주어 진주어 구문에서는 의미상 주어 앞에 for이 붙는다 // of가 붙을 떄도 있다(성격, 품성 등과 함께)

It seems very hard to make a decision - 일반적인 사실

It seems very hard for me to make a decision - 나

It seems very hard to for him make a decision - 그


It's very kind of him to help her

It's very nice of you to come and visit me





사역동사, 지각동사 뒤에는 목적보어로 원형이 온다 (to부정사 X)

사역동사 : make, have, let

She always makes me feel good about myself

I had my hair dyed

let him go


지각동사 : see, watch, look at, hear, feel, listen to ...

I saw him go out with his ex.

I watched the children play soccer

Come here and look at my brother dance.

Did you just feel the earth shake?


(준사역동사 : 원형도 올 수 있고 to부정사가 올 수도 있다 : help)

I was wondering if you could help me (to) carry these bags.

My friends helped me (to) unpack things after moving here.


주어자리에 'do'가 들어간 표현의 경우 주격 보어자리에는 to부정사 대신 원형부정사를 쓴다

All i want to do is get some rest

(= All i want to do is (to) get some rest)

My favorite thing to do is listen to Jazz music

(= My favorite thing to do is (to) listen to Jazz music)


동명사는 명사 역할을 한다(주/목/보)

현재분사는 형용사 역할을 한다 (crying baby, smoking man, sleeping baby... )

+ 부사의 기능도 담당한다(분사구문)

I usually drive, listening to pop music.

I was watching a movie, eating popcorn.



현재분사(~ing) : ~하게하는, 동작의 주체, 능동

과거분사(~ed) : ~하는걸 당하는, 당하는 입장, 수동

Boring class - Bored students

Confusing explanation - Confused students

Cooking machine - Cooked meat

Irritating news - Ittitated husband

Thriling movie - Thrilled audience

Tiring job - Tired workers

Is he tiring? - Is he tired?


Sarcastically : 농담조로, 비꼬는 투로

suffocating : 숨막히는

debunker : 상식을 깨는사람


A-adjectives(A-형용사) - 동사 뒤에서 보어역할만 수행할 수 있는 형용사

alive, afraid, asleep, alone, awake, aware, alike 등...

-> 명사 앞에서 명사를 꾸며줄 수 없다

It's alive! (O)alive animal (X), alive man (X)

# 구문 정리

bread and butter: 생계수단

(a job or activity that provides you with the money you need to live)

Teaching Italian is her bread and butter, but she sometimes sings as a hoby.


tell me about it: 동의하다

(used to say that you feel the same way or have had the same experience)


cut it out: ~를 그만하다

(stop doing that!)

Would you please cut it out?


be cut out to be: ~에 재능이 있다

(to be the right type of person for something)

I don't think I'm cut out to be an architect.


drop the ball: 망치다, 실수하다

(to make a mistake, especially by not taking action or dealing with something that should have been planned for)

I dropped the ball on my last project. 


be fed up with: ~에 지겨워지다, 진저리가 나다

(bored, annoyed, or disappointed, especially by something that you have experienced for too long)

I'm fed up with my job


On top of that: 게다가, 여기에 덧붙여서

(On top of is also used to mean in addition to, esp. something unpleasant:) - esp:especially


hit on(=flirt with) : ~을 꼬시다, 수작부리다

I'm trying to hit on Nancy.


hit back : 반론하다, 반격하다

I hit back at someone who has criticized my opinion.


 only to : 어떤 행동을 했지만 별 성과는 없을때, 실망스러울 때. ~했으나 결과는 ~하다. 

(used to show that something is surprising or unexpected)

He studied very hard only to fail the exam.

I tried calling you tonight only to find that I was not allowed to make that call.

I worked on that proposal for over a month, only to find that they had awarded the contract to the firm across town

(한달넘게 제안서를 작성했었는데, 다른 회사가 계약서를 따가버렸다)

It can be disheartening to spend a lot of time preparing a meal only to have your kids turn their nose up at it.

(식사준비 하느라 많은 시간을 소비했는데 애들이 성에안차 안먹는 거는 낙심스러울 수 있다)

dishearten - 낙심[낙담]하게 하다

turn their nose up at ~~ : 성에 차지않아 거절하다. 콧대 세우다


cut in line : 새치기하다

It's on me : 내가 살게!


Don't worry about it. It's on me


I'm still on the fence : 아직 결정하지 못했다는 표현

= up in the air

No, I haven't. I'm still on the fence.

My plans are still up in the air

Things are still up in the air


Set in stone : 확실하다, 확정하다

Is your schedule set in stone?

If you sign your contract, everything will be set in stone


be in the same boat : 같은 배를 탔다 = 같은 처지이다

We are in the same boat!


live up to : (기대 따위에) 부응하다

It's very hard for me to live up to their expectations.


tossed and turned : 잠 못들고 뒤척이다

I tossed and turned over the last night


jacked up : 가격 등을 올리다

They jacked up the gas price again


rip-off : 도둑질, 사기

It's a rip-off!


hang in there : 버티다, 견디다

Just hang in there!


for or against : ~에 찬성/반대하는

Are you for or against the proposal?


It Takes two to tango : 손뼉도 마주쳐야 소리가 난다

go overboard : 무리하다,, 오버하다

shape up : to improve your behavior or performance, to develop

enough is enough : 그만하면 충분하다

stop pulling my leg : 농담하지 마

take it personally : 기분나쁘게 받아들이지 마, 감정적으로 받아들이지 마 


twig: 비쩍마른 사람






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