티스토리 뷰


유튜브로 영어공부 - 2

세댕댕이 2021. 9. 17. 12:12

* 본 게시글은 <라이브 아카데미 토들러> 채널 유튜브 영상을 시청하고 개인적으로 복습하기 위해 작성하였습니다.



Hey, What are you going to do, today?

(What are you gonna do today?)


I was going to take my dogs out to the park.

but, I heard the smog is going to be really bad today

so, I'm just going to stay home / so, I just decided to stay home



# https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aMonMbDsyhM 

Q: Do you have any plans for the holidays?

A: Yes. I'm planning to go on a short trip with my family. But that means I have to take extra time off work. It's not going to be easy.


* But that means: 근데 그러려면~ + I have to ~를 해야 한다

* take time off work: 휴가를 내다



# https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tgAnPN_mf-k    

I'm boring : 나는 지루함을 주는 사람이야 (X)

I'm bored : 지루해.. (O)


A: How was the moive?

B: It was boring. / The movie was boring.


It's confusing. / That's so confusing - 헷갈린다

I'm (so) confused - 나 너무 혼란스러워, 헷갈려 = "난 잘 모르겠어" 


It's exciting - 그건 너무 신나, 흥미 있어

I'm so excited - 너무 신난다, "기대"된다


She's interesting. - 그녀는 재밌다, 신기하다(호기심을 자극)

I'm interested in this. - 이것에 관심이 있다



# https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ks0qJXeTCcA&t=8s   

1. annoy (안 좋은 일이 반복적으로 벌어져서 짜증 난다)

- I'm annoyed

- It's annoying


He keeps texting me late at night when I'm trying to go to bed. It's so annoying.

I was so annoyed last night. I just turned off my phone.

* keep -ing: 자꾸(계속) ~하다

* I'm trying to~: ~을 하려 노력하고 있다.


2. frustrate (답답해서 짜증 난다, 내 맘대로 안돼서 짜증 난다)

- I was so frustrated

- It's so frustrating


I couldn't find my car key anywhere. It was so frustrating.

After about 30 minutes I was so frustrated, I gave up and I just took the bus.



# https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cHJpKhVnH-I   

["something to V" 의 활용]

할 것: something to do

먹을 것: something to eat

볼 것: something to watch(see)


A: Do you have something to do right now?

B: No. Not right now. I'm supposed to meet someone at 3, (But) until then I don't have much(a lot) to do.


[할게 많다 / 없다, something to의 변형]

~ a lot to 동사 - [동사] 할게 많다

살게 많다 -> I have a lot to buy.

살 거 많아? -> Do you have a lot to buy?

살게 없다 -> I don't have anything to buy.


[볼게 "아무것도" 없다]

There isn't anything to watch (something (X))

There is nothing to watch.



# https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F8vUB75aD34    

[used to의 활용]

used to: 예전에는~, 전에는~

+ But now: 근데 지금은 ~


I used to exercise quite regularly. But now, I just don't have the time (to exercise).

I hardly exercise anymore. 

* hardly (do something) anymore: 요즘은 거의 ~하지 않는다.


I used to go to the movies quite often. But now, I just watch movies on my television and on my computer.

It's just more convenient.


This area used to be really popular. A lot of people used to hang out here.

But, I don't know why, now it's not so popular anymore.



# https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yvWkEoHCdmE  

[spend의 활용]

1. spend ~ on ~

I don't like to spend money on clothes.

We're spending too much time on this project.


2. spend ~ -ing

We already spent a lot of money preparing for the event.

Don't spend too much time worrying about this.


* 낭비했다는 어감을 주고 싶으면 spend 대신 waste를 사용해도 좋다

Don't waste too much time worrying about this.



# https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vsoQ-MWFGZc  

A: Do you have any plans for Christmas?

B: No, not really. How about you?

A: I think I'm just going to spend Christmas at home watching TV and reading books. Some of my friends are going skiing but I'm saving up for a new car and I can't spend that kind of money right now.


* be -ing + 미래형 구문이 미래 시제로 사용됨 (약속된 일정, 계획된 일 등..)

https://sedangdang.tistory.com/78?category=986953 <- 참조



# https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l_OIS5XaQCs  

[시간 표현 1]

* today, yesterday, tomorrow, tonight 등 시간 표현에는 기본적으로 전치사를 붙이지 않는다 (in, on, at...)

- 주로 "~에"의 의미를 가지고 단순히 가리키는 용도로 쓰이는 전치사. (어제에, 오늘에 (X))

* until, by, from 등 ~까지, ~부터 와 같은 전치사는 사용할 수 있다


(시간의 양) + 전에 = [ ago ]

I arrived two days ago


(시간의 양) + 후에/뒤에 = [ in ]   (~ 안에 아님!!!)  <-- (~ 안에: within)

in two days / two days from now.


한 달 후에/뒤에 = in a month, a month from now.


엊그제 = the day before yesterday


모레 (3일 후) = the day after tomorrow.


She left 2 hours ago,

so she's going to arrive an hour from now

/ so she's going to arrive in an hour.


I ordered thr product a few days ago, so it's going to arrive in about a week.



# https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZzZ7ybrTkLk   

A: When did you move here?

B: I moved here in July this year. So, It has been about 5 months.

A: When did you start working?
B: I started working last year in November. So, it's been a little over a year.

A: When did you get back?

B: Oh, it's been almost a year. I got back early this year in January.



# https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3AIWctDEsws   

I go to the gym at least 3 times a week. Twice during weekdays and once on weekends.

On weekdays, I usually go in the morning before I go to work.

(And) On weekends, I like to go early in the afternoon around 1 o'clock because it's less crowded then.


* twice on weekdays - 월요일부터 금요일까지 매일 두번씩이라는 뉘앙스

* weekend는 토, 일요일을 하나로 묶어서 "주말"로 표현한다.

-> weekends는 <주말마다, 매주마다>라고 생각하면 됨.



# https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vPpsH30SmZs   

[감각동사 - look, sound, smell, taste, feel]

- 일반적으로 be 동사를 대체해서 표현한다


This looks cheap

It looked really serious.

It feels really heavy

It didn't smell bad but it tasted a little strange.

This sounds a little strange but it feels really nice.

I saw my brother cry for the first time and it felt so awkward and weird.



# https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lo4YD4FASOM  

[감각동사 - 2 - look like, sound like]


That sounds good(great).

A: Hey, do you want to go to the movies this weekend?

B: Yeah, that sounds great.


This looks like real leather.

This looks real / (This looks like real (X))

This looks weird. It kind of looks like a cigar. (= It looks a little bit like a cigar)


It sounded like it was a really serious problem.

It smelled like there was a dead animal in the house.

Wow, This tastes like a professional made it.

It feels like I walked all day / It feels like I've been walking all day.


~같이 생겼다 등 명사(+완전한 문장)가 이어질때는 like를 붙인다

형용사가 바로 나올때는 like를 붙이지 않는다



# https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GHlSaB3VzRE   

[감각동사 Part 3 - 응용]

A: I don't know, it seems a little risky.

B: I know it doesn't sound like a perfect plan but with the time we have, it doesn't look like we have any other option.


* with the time we have: 시간을 생각하면

* seem: ~해 보인다. 감각동사 중에서 "feel"과 가장 유사한 의미. - 포괄적인 사용 (감각적, 추상적인 것)

(look: (시각적으로 인지하고, 외관상) ~해 보인다)



# https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KvuCt-u56Ww   

[감각동사 Part 4]

내가 보기에는 괜찮은데 = It looks good to me / This looks good to me

+) To me, it looks OK. (상반된 의견을 강조하고 싶을때 주로 도치)


내가 듣기에는 괜찮은데 = It sounds good to me / It sounds OK to me.

It tastes OK to me / It tastes fine to me



Does it look OK/good to you?

How does it look to you? - 너가 보기에는 어때?

Does it sound OK/good to you?

How does it sound to you?



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