티스토리 뷰
<라이브 아카데미 토들러> 채널 영상을 시청하고 복습하기 위해 기록한 게시글입니다.
# https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SOXpzFxYpvQ
[직업 Part 1]
Q: What kind of work do you do?
A1: I'm a designer/freelancer/programmer
A2: I work for an advertisement company(firm)
Q: What do you do there?
A1: I'm an accountant/an engineer
A2: I work in the finance department./the human resource dept.
A3: I'm in charge of sales.
# https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g3cczJjNUWA
[직업 Part 2]
Q: Have you been working here long?
Q: How long have you been working there?
A: (I've been working here) For almost a year. / For about a year. / For just over a year. / For well over a year.
/ For a year and a half. (For one and a half years)
* well over a year: 1년 훨씬 넘게
# https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r_4tv9DaG6A
[직업 Part 3]
A: So, what kind of work do you do?
B: I work for a publishing company.
A: Oh yeah? What do you do there?
B: I'm in charge of a small group of copy editors. Our job is to take original written material and make sure it's properly edited for publications.
A: Wow. that sounds interesting. Have you been working there long?
B: I've been working there for just over 4 years now. I'm pretty happy with my job. I have great co-workers and my superiors treat me very well, so, I'm pretty satisfied.
# https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sswd-yLf94E
[대화 가이드 Part 7]
A: I haven't eaten anything all day today. -- (현재완료/과거에 안먹었고, 현재도 안먹은 상태이다)
B: You must be really hungry.
A: I didn't eat anything all day yesterday.
B: You must have been really hungry.
A: I drove almost 5 hours straight.
B: You must be really tired.
A: Yesterday, I had to drive almost 5 hours straight.
B: You must have been really tired.
A: I have to get up at 5 o'clock to go to work
B: That must be really tough.
A: I had to get up at 5 o'clock yesterday because I had an early meeting at work.
B: That must have been really tough.
* must be = 강한 추정
* must have been = must've been = must'a been
* 현재완료형 시제는 일반적으로 현재의 상태를 묘사하는데 쓰이지만, 다른 조동사(must/should/could 등)와 함께 쓰이면 현재가 아닌 과거 혹은 미래 시점에 대한 얘기로 쓰인다.
* 한번의 힘들었던 일로 피곤하다 = tired
* 지속적, 일상적인 일로 피곤하다 = tough/difficult/hard.
A: I tried to explain what happened to everyone
B: That must've been frustrating.
A: I have carried my son all day today.
B: That must have been really tough. You must be tired.
A: I had to throw it away because it had expired.
B: You must have been really disappointed / That must've been really disappointing.
# https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_Ld9l_C2B84
[I wish I was~]
I wish I was more patient.
I get anxious so easily and I often rush through things.
* rush through things: 서두르다
I wish I was more careful.
I get careless so easily and I often do or say things that I regret later.
# https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HsmLR7rZtTg
[a lot of]
- 가산/불가산 모두 사용가능.
There are a lof of people
There is a lot of traffic
There is a lot of time
- "~을 많이 한다" 의 의미로서 사용되기도 함I
work out a lot / I drink a lot / He talks a lot / I don't sleep a lot
I watch TV a lot / I watch a lot of TV
I hang out with my friends a lot / I hang out with a lot of friends.
I eat hamburgers a lot / I eat a lot of hamburgers.
I watch movies a lot / I watch a lot of movies.
Lately, I've gained a lot of weight, so I have to lose a lot of weight.
I like drinking coffee, I like eating meats (X) -- 불필요한 drinking, eating 등 필요 X.
I like coffee, I like meat (O)
I'm trying to feed my son a lot of healthy food.
I try to walk a lot to stay in shape.
This 짜장면 is too much for me.
If you don't eat a lot, you can definitely lose a lot of weight.
When you travel a lot, you're going to see a lot of interesting places and learn a lot.
a lot of: 한 종류 속에서 많은
lots of: 다양한 종류 속에서 많은
- There were lots of different types of colors
# https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qV6PipcSCzg
[실수와 관련된 표현]
1. 정말 모르고 한 실수
It was an honest mistake.
2. 정말 몰랐어
I really didn't know.
(I didn't really know - 잘 몰랐어)
I really didn't know she was there. It was an honest mistake.
3. ~을 하려던게 아니었다. 고의가 아니었다
I didn't mean to V / be+adj
I didn't mean to be rude
I didn't mean to insult her.
# https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4IuQ53h9dwQ
1. (어디를) 다치다
2. (어디가) 아프다
My head hurts[헕:쓰] (헐츠(X))
I hurt my head, I hurt my ankle. (과거형)
I hurt my right ankle, It really hurts.
* hurt와 injure은 어감만 다를 뿐 의미는 거의 같다.
# https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v2pQyesI_qY
I think I slept wrong last night. I hurt my neck. It really hurts.
I wrote my address wrong. I'll write it again.
# https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BmKpL--OVXg&t=17s
I was (just) trying to cheer her up. But the words came out wrong. (=The words didn't come out right)
It was an honest mistake. I didn't mean to hurt her feelings.
# https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wNhuYwPX9ko
I went on a trip last week with my family. It was a short trip. (= I went on a short trip last week)
We left on Friday and came back on Saturday.
(And) Yesterday, on Sunday, I didn't feel like going out. So I just stayed home and watched a couple of movies on my computer.
* don't feel like ~ing : ~할 기분이 아니었다. ~하고싶지 않았다 --- 귀찮아서 안했다. (의역)
* stay home과 stay at home의 차이?
- 찾아봤는데 의미 차이는 거의 없다고 봐도 무방하다. 스타일 차이
- stay home이 더 자주 쓰이는 경향이 있음.
1. 명사 - 집
2. 부사 - 집으로 (to의 의미가 내장) - go home (O), go to home (X)
3. 부사 - 집에 (at의 의미가 포함 될수도 있다 - be, stay와 쓰일때)
# https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2XsRJdcFnLU
I took a lot of pictures during my family trip last week but I've been pretty busy since I got back
and I haven't had a chance to check them yet.
* for + 숫자 기간 (for 1 hour, for 5 minutes...)
* during + 특정 기간
* 현재완료 + since ~ : ~ 이후로 현재까지 ~해왔다
# https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZcuabDrVrIw
I had a friend over at my place last weekend
(I had a friend over = I invited a friend to come to my place, 초대의 의미 포함)
I had a friend over at my office / A friend came over to my place (초대의 의미 X)
A friend is having me over at his place this weekend.
= I'm going over to a friend place this weekend.
I'm having my parents over at my place this weekend.
= My parents are going over to my place this weekend.
* weekend vs weekends
weekend: 주말(토+일)
weekends: 주말마다
# https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tAMrDlcWFtU
The other day, I had something that I needed to print out. But I don't have a printer at home.
But I have a friend who has his own office and he has a printer.
So I sent him an email with the document and I had him print it out for me.
* I had something that I needed to print out. = I had something to print out
* have + someone + do something + for me = ~에게 ~하도록 부탁하다
# https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ztCpIWC4aLY
[I just started -ing] 이제 막 ~하기 시작했다
I just started working
I just started coming here. 이제 막 다니기 시작했어요
[It hasn't been very long] 얼마 안됐어요
[I'm just/(still) getting used to it] 이제 막/아직 익숙해지고 있어요
# https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UDkcZoKzRPQ&t=8s
[과거완료는 왜 쓸까?]
<단순 과거시제> ~을 했다.
A: Do you want to go out for lunch?
B: Thanks, but I already ate.
I already send the email.
They already left.
<과거완료 had p.p> 과거의 어느 시점에 이미 ~를 한 상태였다.
She wanted to have lunch with me but I had already eaten.
- She asked me if I wanted to have lunch but I had already eaten. (간접 화법)
I had already sent the email.
They had already left.
I heard she was selling her camera and I was actually looking to buy one. but when I called her, she had already sold it to someone.
# https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XEApNFE-n7U
I went to the movies last night. And I saw a movie that I was really looking forward to.
But I was so disappointed. I think I had my hopes up too high.
* have(/get) one's hopes up
- look forward to와 같은 의미이나, 뒤에 too high와 같이쓰기에는 어울리지 않아
- look forward to로는 뒤에 추가적인 강조구문을 붙여 쓰기 어렵다. (긍정문으로 제한적)
# https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fJEVvemhXks
A: Is she religious? --- [Are you religious? (O) Do you have religion? (X)]
B: Umm, I'm not sure. We only met once very briefly so we don't know each other very well yet.
A: Oh, I see. What about her job? What does she do?
B: All I know is that she works in a hospital and that she operates some medical machines but I don't know much about that either. Like I said, we didn't have much time to talk.
<잘 모르겠어>
1. I'm not sure
2. we don't know each other well
3. I don't know much about something
* All I know is that, 내가 아는건 ~가 전부야, ~정도로만 알고있어
* like I said, 아까도 말했듯이
# https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V3yn8eUAHYk
I have some time left / I have a lot of time left
I don't have any time left / I don't have a lot of time left
I have some money left / I don't have any money left
There aren't any tickets left / There are some tickets left
There aren't any people left there. - 아무도 안남았어
There aren't many people left there. - 몇 명 없었어 (=많이 안남았어)
# https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NWPKIAZqeUI
I've been living my entire life in Korea
- but I just can't get used to this heat.
- but I can never get used to this heat.
I've been trying to get up early a week ago, but I just can't get used to it.
I've been waiting for you for two weeks.
# https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tQZUQjUiuxE
<be married: 결혼 여부>
A: Are you married? --- (Did she married? / Do you married? (X))
B: I'm married --- (I was married = 전에 결혼 했었다(현재는 미혼))
<get married: 언제/어디서 결혼을 하다>
A: Is she married?
B: Yeah, she got married 2 years ago.
I'm not exactly sure, but I think she married someone she met at work.
* marry "with" someone(X)
# https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fC70nLehiSo
Today, I'm going to clean up my workspace.
It's getting really messy. I think I have too much stuff that I never use.
So I'm going to try to get rid of as much as I can.
* messy: (너저분하고, 정리가 안된) 지저분한 <-> dirty: 더러운
* stuff - 단수형 (much stuff) <-> many things(복수형)
# https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZO2EPWvoHF4
There's new sushi place in my neighborhood that is always packed with people.
I know because I drive past it almost every day. I'm really curious to try it one of these days.
* neighborhood: 동네 // town, village: 마을에 가까운 어감
1. 형용사 - 지나간, 지난, 최근의, 이전의, 과거형의
2. 명사 - 지난, 과거
3. 전치사 - (위치상)~을 지나서, (특정 정도를) 지나서, 넘어서서
4. 부사 - (시간, 위치 등이) 지나서
# https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3EFG79LJDLM
A: Do you eat breakfast?
B: No, not really. I used to when I was living with my parents. But now, I might have a granola bar and a cup of coffee on my way to work but I don't really sit at home and have a proper breakfast, if that's what you're asking.
* "not really" - No.로 칼같은 답변 말고 조금 더 유하게 표현하기 위해 자주 사용하는 표현
* used to 뒤에 중복된 표현 생략 -- I used to (eat breakfast) when I was ~~
* might - ~할지도 모른다.(가능성) -> ~할 때도 있다
* <if that's what you're asking.>
- They're unsure if that was really what you meant.
ex) I don't want my old job back, if that's what you're asking.
If that's what you're asking me to do, I'll do it.
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