티스토리 뷰


유튜브로 영어공부 - 5

세댕댕이 2021. 10. 25. 10:33

※ <라이브 아카데미 토들러> 채널을 시청하고 복습용으로 기록해둔 게시글입니다. 

"Time seems to go faster as we get older"... I'm in my mid twenties. 



# https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FVWYx4w8QEQ  

[간접의문문 Part 1]


직접 의문문(완성된 문장) - 의문사 + 동사 + 주어

What is it? / What is this? / What is that? / What are those? / What are these?

Who are you? / What was it?


간접 의문문 - 의문사 + 주어 + 동사 (학창시절 의주동 의주동 노래를 불렀던 그 의주동..)

I don't know what this is.

I don't know who you are. but I'll find you and I'll kill you

I don't know what it was. / I don't remember what it was.


A: Where was that?

B: I don't remember where this was.



# https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3Y3fLBziNiI  

[간접의문문 Part 2]

Where does she live? <-> where she lives

- I don't know where she lives.

- I don't know where he works.


What time do they open? <-> what time they open

- Do you know what time they open?

- I don't know what time they open.


* What time do there open (X) "거기"는 몇시에 여나요? 라고 "there"을 사용하지 말 것.

- there은 대부분의 경우 부사로 쓰인다. 주어자리에 올 수 없음

- there이 주어로 사용되면 There is ~. "~가 있다" 라는 표현으로 쓰임. 의미와 다르다.


<의문사가 없는 의문문의 경우 - "if"로 연결하자>

Do they sell 삼겹살? <-> They sell 삼겹살

- Do you know if they sell 삼겹살?

- Do you know if she is married?

- I don't know if she is married.



# https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YN7l3dg-oog   

[내가 젊었을땐 말이야.. 라떼는 말야]


<핵심: 앞으로 When I was younger 사용할 것.>


"When I was young"

- 과거에는 젊었었는데, 현재는 늙었다는 의미를 내포.

- 현재 대놓고 늙은거 아니라면 young보다는 younger를 사용하는 것이 더 어울린다.


"어렸을 때"

when I was little / when I was a kid / when I was a child / when I was growing up


"학생이었을 때"

when I was in school, ~~ 

(when I was) in middle/high school (student), ~~


"나이가 들면서" - as I get older

- Time seems to go faster as we get older...


"나이가 들수록" - the older I get

- The older we get, the faster time seems to go.



# https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bNqR7zgoc04   

[고민에 대해]


I should go to bed early. <-> should I go to bed early? (직접 의문)

- I'm not sure if I should go to bed early. (간접 의문) -- 잘 모르겠어 = 고민이야


- I'm not sure if I should tell him about this.

- I'm not sure if I should tell him about this now or wait.

- I'm not sure if I should buy a new smartphone now or wait until a new model comes out,


- I'm trying to decide if I should tell him about this now or wait.

- I'mt still trying to decide if I should buy a new smartphone now or wait until a new model comes out.


- I'm not sure what I should tell him.

- I'm not sure which one I should buy. (=which one to buy)


* should - 조언, 권유 정도의 ~해야한다를 의미하는 조동사.

(You should go to bed early.)



# https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xumwjCeDRQE 

[-하는 것이 더 낫다]


1. ~하는 것이 더 낫다/좋다: It's better to ~

If you did something wrong or made a mistake, it's always better to just admit it and apologize.


2. ~하는 것이 나을거야/좋을거야: It would be better to ~

A: Maybe I should get my car washed. It's really dirty.

B: I think It would be better (for you) to wait until next week because it's going to keep raining all week.


3. ~하는 것이 나을 수도 있어/좋을 수도 있어: It could/might be better to ~

I think It could/might be better (for you) to wait until next week.


When you're having a hard time falling asleep, It's always better to just get up and do something.

It could be better to just get a new one.

It you're not sure, I think it would be better to pay in cash.



# https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AqNSbm2ADF0  



I go to the laundromat from time to time. The one I go to is a 24 hour place and everything there is automated so they don't have any staff working there. Just the owner comes by every once in a while to check up on things and clean up. So I was under the impression that they were open all year round but I was wrong. When I went there a couple of days ago, they were closed for summer vacation.


* from time to time: 때때로

* every once in a while: 어쩌다가 한번씩, 가끔가다 한번씩



# https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PrzZob0qVgo  

[생각해둔 것이 있어?]


I have something in mind. / I had something in mind.

Do you have something in mind? / Did you have something in mind?

What do you have in mind? / What did you have in mind?


I have few things in mind / I have a couple of things in mind / I have several in mind. 


A: Do you want to go out for dinner today?

B: That sounds great. Do you have something in mind?

A: No, I don't really have anything in mind. What do you want?

B: How/What about pizza?


A: Hey, Do you want to go somewhere this weekend? I have a few places in mind.

B: That sounds great! Where did you have in mind?



# https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yK_MuPCqc5w&t=3s   

[이거 원래 이래?]


1. 정상적이라는 것이라는 맥락

- It's supposed to be like this.


2. 늘/항상 그렇다는 맥락

- It's always like this. (It's always been like this)



"It's like this" - 이건 이렇다. <- 여기에 "원래" 라는 의미를 더해 "이건 원래 이래"를 만들자


1. 정상적이라는 것의 맥락 - be supposed to

It's supposed to be like this.

Is it supposed to be like this?


2. 늘/항상 그렇다는 맥락 - always

A: Why is it so hot this summer?

B: What are you talking about? It's always like this in the Summer.



A: It's so crowded here. Is it always like this? (= Is this normal?)

B: Yeah, It's always like this in the morning.


A: It gets really hot when I use it for a couple of hours. Is it supposed to do this? (do like that X)

B: No, It's not supposed to do that. But it can if you use it in direct sunlight.


A: I'm normally not like this.. I guess I must be nervous.



It's so crowded here. Is it always like this?

-> Is it always this crowded here?


Yeah, It's always like this in the morning.

-> Yeah, It's always this crowded here.


This is really hard. Is this supposed to be like this?

-> Is this supposed to be this hard?


He's really loud. Is he always like that?

-> Is he always that loud?


A: Is it supposed to get this hot?

B: Yeah, It's supposed to get this hot.



Is this supposed to be this spicy?

I don't always go to work this early.

Did it always rain this much in the Summer?

(Is it supposed to rain this much in the summer?)

Is it always this cold in late August?

(Is it supposed to be this cold in late August?)



# https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r3mXtoO3QlU  



For the past couple of months, I've been trying to work at night and sleep during the day. It hasn't been very easy.


I've been trying to cut back on coffee and other caffeinated drinks for the past couple of weeks. It really hasn't been easy.


I'm planning to move early next year. I've been looking for a new place for the past couple of weeks. It's really difficult to find a decent place within a limited price range. Obviously.


* decent: 괜찮은. 품위있는.



# https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gAK7Fa8kYj4   

[혹시 몰라서]


< (just) in case > 앞으로 있을지도 모르는 어떤 일에 대비해서. = 혹시 몰라서


A: Why did you bring that?

B: Just in case. 혹시 몰라서.


I think we should leave a little earlier just in case. - 문장이 바로 끝날때

I think we should leave a little early in case we run into traffic. - 세부적인 내용이 이어질 때 (just 생략)


I'm going to take some extra cash just in case.

I'm going to take some extra cash in case they don't take credit cards.



# https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IPx9_EqnUIM  

[해본 사람은 얼마나 힘든 줄 알아]


I went to IKEA today. I had a specific list of things to buy but anyone who has been to IKEA knows how hard it is to stick to a shopping list. I did end up buying a few things that I wasn't planning to but I didn't get too carried away.


* get carried away: 자제력을 잃다. 지나치게 하다

(Don't get carried away)


* 내가 의도하지 않았던 결과에 대해서 얘기할 때

I ended up buying ~ (했다)

-> I did end up buying ~ (하긴 했다)


I ate breakfast (먹었다)

-> I did eat breakfast (먹긴 했다)



# https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f0G2pQAKuNk  

[연령대 표현]


She's in her mid twenties. - 그녀는 20대 중반입니다.

He's in his early thirties. - 그는 30대 초반입니다.

They're in their late forties. - 그들은 40대 후반입니다.


<teens, twenties, thirties, forties, fifties, sixties, seventies, eighties, nineties>

I'm in my mid twenties.

My mother is in her mid fifties.


She's about(around) my age. - 내 나이 정도 돼.

He's about(around) your age. - 네 나이 쯤 될거야.


She's tall / He's short (O)

- He's height is short (X)


He's a little chubby.

She's average height(weight).


* chubby: 통통한

* The color is black -> "It's black" 이 더 자연스러움



# https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=53ixe6DKm9k  

I have a friend whose birthday is coming up and yesterday I went out and got him a gift. 

Actually, his birthday is next month but he's going overseas on business soon so I wanted to give it to him before he left.



# https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CJ9qCauD4l0  

I have this neighbor. A woman. I think she's around my age and she has this really weird habbit of stopping me when I'm on my way out to talk about just random things that aren't really that important. I've tried telling her that I was busy but I think she just really likes to talk.


* this - a/an 대신에 사용하여 내가 하려는 이야기에 인물로 등장시키면서, 관련된 이야기를 시작할 때 주로 사용.


try to + V: ~하려고 노력하다

try -ing: ~을 해보다, 시도하다



# https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u9dTUGDz6zE   

[~에 따라 달라진다]


A: Do you have any plans tonight?

B: Well, it depends on what time I get off work. If I can leave on time, I might meet up with some friends for a beer. Otherwise, I'll probably be too tired and go straight back home.


* it depends on something: ~에 따라 달라진다. ~하는거 봐서.



# https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-6GTPvpaaas   

It suddenly got really cold, didn't it? Especially in the mornings and evenings. It still gets pretty warm during the day.

So, I'm thinking that it's time to rotate my wardrobe. You know, switch out my summer clothes and get ready for the cold weather. I think I'm going to do that sometime this week.



# https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VuJt7nhZbno  

I got up this morning and I was feeling pretty hungry. Usually, I would have some leftovers from other stuff that I ate throughout the week and I would just scrounge. But this morning when I checked, I had nothing and I really didn't feel like cooking anything so I just got something delivered.



# https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v5J4lpbd_hg  

I can't believe it's already October.

It feels like (it was) only yesterday that I was making my new year plans.


I can't believe I'm already 37 years old. 

It feels like only yesterday that I was freaking out about turning 30.


I can't believe I've been living here for over a year.

It feels like only yesterday that I was excited about moving in.


I can't believe I've been doing this for over 2 years.

It feels like only yesterday that I was trying to come up with a name for my channel.



# https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LAx8ebn2P9s  

[가정법 (과거)]

If I had p.p~, I would have p.p~


If I had known there was going to be a rally, I would have participated.

/ I would've gone there.

/ I wouldn't have taken the bus.

/ I would've taken the subway.


If I had known there would be this much traffic, I would've left earlier. I should've checked before I left.


If I had known about his situation, I wouldn't have talked about money.


If I had called and checked first, I wouldn't have wasted so much time.


If he had told me earlier, I would've done something.




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